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A beautifully articulate article about the poorly executed process of travel. May I add that this is unfortunately endemic in our culture. Take going to the DMV, which I did yesterday. I had a specific appointment and showed up for it only to find out that I needed to stand in a line (a half an hour to the front at 9:00 am) only to have the clerk issue me a number that didn't reflect having made an appointment. Almost 2 hours later, as I saw person after person who came in after me get served, I went to a counter and asked why. They told me to get back in the line and get a new number. When I got to the front of the line again, the same clerk denied my having told her, but after insisting, she issued a correct number. I was served a half an hour later. Total "experience time"? Three hours. The ultimate insult was to have at least 15 windows with only 1 - 3 employees at any one time "serving" the public. Older people gave up and walked out or became angry. Others who didn't understand English very well had high levels of frustration. Sadly, this is what has become of the "friendly skies" of the DMV.

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